Introducing SDR's all-new
Remote TaskForce Prospecting.
The critical connection to helping your business recover!
As your sales team moves back into place, let us help fill your sales pipeline. SDR's all-new Remote TaskForce Prospecting is the perfect way to help your team get up and running! Through a turnkey outbound call program, SDR will provide you with a platform for identifying and uncovering new qualified future opportunities without overwhelming your recovering sales team.
Benefits of Remote TaskForce:
Receive new qualified sales opportunities.
Get a head-start on your competition.
No overhead.
No payroll costs.
Quick start-up.
Experienced industry professionals.
Choose the program size that fits your needs.
Option to extend the program to an on-going basis.
Program Objectives:
Create an outbound propriety prospecting lead generation project to deliver qualified prospects to your sales team.
Expand your reach to competitve markets and target audiences.
Introduce key selling points, features, and benefits of your product or service to potential prospects.
Create and distribute results and reports detailing any of SDR's findings.
Provide update calls suited to your schedule.
SDR Remote TaskForce Prospecting is the project-based lead generation to fuel your rebound. The sales organizations of the future may not look the same. Find the pieces that fit best; incorporate SDR into your puzzle!
Remote TaskForce FAQs:
What happens after signing up for Remote TaskForce Prospecting?
SDR will reach out within the next two business days of your signing-up for Remote TaskForce Prospecting to discuss your unique needs & objectives of your project, as well as gather your input on the development of your core program elements. This includes any training material for our callers, drafting a script, and database building strategies to target the perfect prospects.
What can I expect to receive as the outcome of my Remote TaskForce Prospecting program?
SDR will spend the entirety of your purchased allotment of hours making outbound phone calls to the targeted list of potential prospects, representing themselves as calling on your behalf, identifying respondents who show interest in your product or service, and uncovering detailed information for those with specific business opportunities. Qualified Prospects will be distributed to your designated recipient(s) as they are uncovered. Weekly reports will also be distributed to your designated recipient(s) on every Monday, which include a summary of all calls made to-date, all qualified prospects uncovered and distributed to-date, and all information requests uncovered to-date.
How should my sales team follow up on an opportunity uncovered by SDR?
SDR will give guidance on each Qualified Prospect profile as to how and when the decision-maker or influencer would like to be contacted. Please refer to "Action Steps" on each Qualified Prospect profile report. In some cases, a decision-maker or influencer may request follow-up in the future respective to a specific business opportunity. It is still advisable to make initial contact with that prospect for a brief introduction immediately upon/soon after receiving the Qualified Prospect profile from SDR. Above all else, remember that SDR makes calls on your behalf. Therefore, when contacting decision-makers or influencers who showed interest through SDR's Remote TaskForce Prospecting, please do not mention SDR by name.